Sunday, June 7, 2009

Come on, Class of '69. Sign up now for our 40th Reunion by calling Patti Medvescek or contacting me at or by calling me at 321-253-2225. Plans are for us to meet at gatsby's Bar (we have it reserved) on Saturday, August 1st (4:00 pm - 9:00 pm). This may be our last chance for a reunion and a chance to get together with old friends. No explanations, no excuses. Call today or tomorrow.
Randy and Bev Moser
I thought our generation was the rebel generation and we were going to change the world. If we can't do that, at least we can get together for some fun and reminiscing about the good times we've had through the years. I for one, will be flying in from our home in Melbourne, FL for the party, JUST TO SEE YOU. And Bev and I will be mad if you don't all show up (this is the highlight of our summer). So go to, call Patti (Flanigan) Medvescek, or me (321-253-2225) to RSVP and confirm your attendance. Patti has it all organized. All we want to do is see you again, party, maybe have a drink or two, and remember the good old Pike days (or the greater ones you've had since then). But we can't have the party without your commitment. Gary Wright, Greg Shugart and other officers, you need to step up and take some ownership here. This was YOUR class and if you attend, others will follow suit. What say you?
Randy Moser