Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Remember "The Mob"?

Okay, we're starting to have some fun now. Evites (with a convenient hyperlink to pay your $20 through Paypal) have been sent out by Patti (Flanigan) Medvescek, along with sponsorship opportunities for a new, complete directory of the Class of '69. Several of you have started to contact us with information about other class members that you know. This is exactly the response that we had hoped for -- and it is coming off just as we dreamed. The confirmed list of classmates is currently around 30, with another 20 or so expressing interest. Here's the problem: there were approximately 180 students in our Class of '69 and we have only been able to successfully contact HALF of them. So please help us locate these MIAs and pass along the evite to as many Pike classmates as possible (all classes from the late '60s through early '70s are invited and welcome to attend) so we can at least give them the opportunity to come to this exciting event. With guests, we are now expecting between 75-100 to attend and we don't want you or your former classmates to miss out. We are even working on getting a couple of our former teachers toattend. Dress will be casual for the evening. And remember to let us know as soon as possible if you are also interested in the tour of Pike High School (10:30 am Saturday). It is free but we need a head count.

TOMORROW: I will begin posting bios/pix of some of your classmates (send yours to me ASAP)