Thursday, June 18, 2009

What have you been doing?

Patti (Flanigan) Medvescek
I started working at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis right after high school - attending IU Bloomington, and Methodist Hospital Med Tech School, and just stayed on until ’91. I left to pursue opportunities at Winona Memorial Hospital (91-94) and Roche Diagnostics (94-2001). I left Roche at the end of 2001 - doing something everyone should at least consider. At the ripe old age of 50 - I retired. Did all the things I knew I wanted to do when I did retire (while I had the $$ and the health!) to actually do them. And now, as of 2005 - I am back to work - at Clarian Health.
I was married for a while, but have been single much longer than I was married. I do have two great kids though - Sara and Josh - both PHS Alumni. Both have great spouses (Kevin and Nichole respectively) and both have 3 children - Sara has Ethan, Jack and Ben. Josh has Jacob, Jillian and Eli.
Between working at my church in the Women’s Ministry, sitting at my desk in Finance for Clarian, babysitting any or all of the grandkids, or making cards and scrapbooks - I stay busy. And I did finally leave the northwest side - by way of Fishers. I now live in Southport Indiana, next door to my sister Nancy. My sister-in-law is a cruise travel specialist, so I predict a few of those kinds of trips in my future!