Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The Reunion is coming! The Reunion is coming! Don't miss out on the reunion of all reunions. We've invited all the classes of the late '60s and early '70s -- for all the Red Devils from our era. Confirmations are starting to roll in and hopefully this will be the biggest and best party Pike alumni have seen for a long time (we all need something to celebrate in these tough times). Tomorrow, we should be adding the information for you to sign up and use Paypal to confirm your spot at the party. And, I will be adding names (and hopefully some photos) of some of your classmates who will be attending. (Hint: If you are coming to the party, please email me a photo ASAP so I can post them). Email me at .
Don't forget that we have a chance to tour the new (and old) high school buildings on Saturday morning if any of you (like me) are interested. We need names, though, just to make sure that enough people will be attending to make it a worthwhile event.
Again, whether you graduated in 1967, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, '73 or whenever -- YOU ARE INVITED AND WELCOME. The party will be 7:00pm until closing on Saturday, August 1st at Gatsby's, located at W. 71st and I465. The cost is $20 for the food, the music and Gatsby's.
Tomorrow: Who will be coming.