Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Birthday party at Bev Caesar's house, circa 1968. L to R: (on floor) unidentified; (seated) Mary Ann Mertz, Bev Caesar, Jim Metzler, Marica Callahan, unidentified, Susie Roetter; (standing) Brent Callahan, Chuck Caesar.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Have You Been Doing?

Anita (Ganote) Siler
I have been blessed with a wonderful husband, to whom I have been married for 39 years; I have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. We have lived in Indianapolis most of our married lives, except for 6 years in Hawaii. We moved back to Indiana to be with our family. I am an administrative assistant at Dow AgroSciences, where I have worked for the past 20 years. I am looking forward to retiring in about 6 years.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

1969 Band Spectacular

April 1969: The Pike Band Spectacular, with L to R: Debbie Thurston, Myra Mccammon and Susan Lear

Friday, June 26, 2009

Senior Dress-Up Day Brought Out Our Creative Side

(Standing) Susan Ely, Sandy Emeier, unknown, Dave Pucillo and unknown; Tom Richards and Sue Bullard (on ground).

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mrs. Morgan's 4th Grade Class at Central Elementary, 1960

How many of these little Pikers can you identify from this photo from 1960? Please click the comment or time hyperlinks to help us identify any of these students. PLEASE POST A COMMENT, even if you only identify yourself in this photo, which is courtesy of Myra (McCammon) Leap.

Reconize any of our beautiful Pikettes?

Among our Class of '69 Pikettes were (back row) Patti Flanigan, Patti Corder, Carolyn Cartwright and Sandy Enmeier; (front row) Debbie Huber and Susan Ely.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Brownie Meeting?

In what we believe was an early meeting of Brownies at Debbie Streets' house in 1960 -- L to R: Lynne Sparks, Ruth Ann Parish, Debbie Streets, Norma Buckwalter, Kathy Smith, Beverly Caesar and Susan Roetter.

Monday, June 22, 2009

What Have You Been Doing?

"Sam" Sandra Weir (Stutz)

I graduated from Ball State University. I left for Anchorage Alaska on a whim in June of 1980. I played in a racketball tournament and won my division, met several people, and had a job, a boyfriend, and a place to stay within 3 weeks. That August I did a TV commercial and video for Steve Mahays Riverboat Fishing. I caught a 40 lb King Salmon on that trip! Two weeks later I went white water rafting and camping with 2 other couples for 3 days, that was wild! I ended up deciding to live in Alaska. I met Wes on a racketball court in 1981 and we got married in June of 1983. We just had our 26th anniversary. I worked in outside sales and taught aerobics. Channel 2 called and put my 6:00 am aerobics class on the news. October of 1989 we had a beautiful daughter, Morgan Weir. I was actually 5 1/2 months pregnant at the 20 year class reunion. She just finished her first year at University of Idaho, school of our famous Governor Palin. Winters felt longer and longer, so Wes and I moved to Fortuna, California May of 2008, right after Morgan graduated from high school. Our new adventure is amazing. I retired and I am an Ambassador for the Chamber of Commerce and I belong to the Humboldt Sponsors Association which does fundraisers for scholarships for our youth. We have many friends, and are very much enjoying our new adventure. My interests are scrapbooking my photos, traveling, and being with friends and family. My husband Wes is a 5 time Ironman finisher.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our parties that we started as teenagers continue on Aug. 1st

Debbie Streets' birthday party, May 1966. From L to R: Jay Hahn, Randy Moser, Cyndi Diller, Mary Ann Monninger, Kathy Smith, Sarah Shaw, Ben Lagadon, Nanette Pritchard, Debbie Streets, Denny Harrington, Debbie Shoemaker, Toni Good, Joe Baumgartner.

Friday, June 19, 2009

What Have You Been Doing?

Pete Bird

Pete, who got his feet wet in journalism as editor of the Pike Hi-Life, went on to major in journalism at Northwestern University, where he ultimately earned a master's degree in newspaper journalism. He moved to Nashville, where he worked for an afternoon daily and married a raven-haired Tennessee girl named Karen Dughman. After working at the "Nashville Banner" for five years, part of that time on Fellowship at Columbia University, Pete changed careers and became a top manager at the Frist Foundation. He has worked at the Foundation for 26 years, the last seven of them as its President. Pete and Karen have two grown children and have been married 29 years.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

What have you been doing?

Patti (Flanigan) Medvescek
I started working at Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis right after high school - attending IU Bloomington, and Methodist Hospital Med Tech School, and just stayed on until ’91. I left to pursue opportunities at Winona Memorial Hospital (91-94) and Roche Diagnostics (94-2001). I left Roche at the end of 2001 - doing something everyone should at least consider. At the ripe old age of 50 - I retired. Did all the things I knew I wanted to do when I did retire (while I had the $$ and the health!) to actually do them. And now, as of 2005 - I am back to work - at Clarian Health.
I was married for a while, but have been single much longer than I was married. I do have two great kids though - Sara and Josh - both PHS Alumni. Both have great spouses (Kevin and Nichole respectively) and both have 3 children - Sara has Ethan, Jack and Ben. Josh has Jacob, Jillian and Eli.
Between working at my church in the Women’s Ministry, sitting at my desk in Finance for Clarian, babysitting any or all of the grandkids, or making cards and scrapbooks - I stay busy. And I did finally leave the northwest side - by way of Fishers. I now live in Southport Indiana, next door to my sister Nancy. My sister-in-law is a cruise travel specialist, so I predict a few of those kinds of trips in my future!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Remember "The Mob"?

Okay, we're starting to have some fun now. Evites (with a convenient hyperlink to pay your $20 through Paypal) have been sent out by Patti (Flanigan) Medvescek, along with sponsorship opportunities for a new, complete directory of the Class of '69. Several of you have started to contact us with information about other class members that you know. This is exactly the response that we had hoped for -- and it is coming off just as we dreamed. The confirmed list of classmates is currently around 30, with another 20 or so expressing interest. Here's the problem: there were approximately 180 students in our Class of '69 and we have only been able to successfully contact HALF of them. So please help us locate these MIAs and pass along the evite to as many Pike classmates as possible (all classes from the late '60s through early '70s are invited and welcome to attend) so we can at least give them the opportunity to come to this exciting event. With guests, we are now expecting between 75-100 to attend and we don't want you or your former classmates to miss out. We are even working on getting a couple of our former teachers toattend. Dress will be casual for the evening. And remember to let us know as soon as possible if you are also interested in the tour of Pike High School (10:30 am Saturday). It is free but we need a head count.

TOMORROW: I will begin posting bios/pix of some of your classmates (send yours to me ASAP)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


The Reunion is coming! The Reunion is coming! Don't miss out on the reunion of all reunions. We've invited all the classes of the late '60s and early '70s -- for all the Red Devils from our era. Confirmations are starting to roll in and hopefully this will be the biggest and best party Pike alumni have seen for a long time (we all need something to celebrate in these tough times). Tomorrow, we should be adding the information for you to sign up and use Paypal to confirm your spot at the party. And, I will be adding names (and hopefully some photos) of some of your classmates who will be attending. (Hint: If you are coming to the party, please email me a photo ASAP so I can post them). Email me at .
Don't forget that we have a chance to tour the new (and old) high school buildings on Saturday morning if any of you (like me) are interested. We need names, though, just to make sure that enough people will be attending to make it a worthwhile event.
Again, whether you graduated in 1967, '68, '69, '70, '71, '72, '73 or whenever -- YOU ARE INVITED AND WELCOME. The party will be 7:00pm until closing on Saturday, August 1st at Gatsby's, located at W. 71st and I465. The cost is $20 for the food, the music and Gatsby's.
Tomorrow: Who will be coming.

Monday, June 8, 2009

We're having a Reunion and you are invited! Please reserve August 1st from 7:00 pm until closing at Gatsby's, located at 71st and I465, near Pike High School for our 40th Class Reunion. Even if you've never attended one of our reunions, we'd love to have you attend this special one. We also have an exciting opportunity to tour the "new" Pike High School on Saturday morning, if enough people sign up in advance. The nighttime party will cost $20/person and promises to be a great time, with food, music and lots of old stories. Please don't wait until the last minute to RSVP. We need to know now how many to expect for both the school tour AND the reunion party. Contact Patti (Flanigan) Medvescek at or me at 321-253-2225 to confirm your attendance. We need as many people there as possible or this could be our final reunion. Last year the Class of '68 (see photo above) had 45 people, and we can do better than that. We were always the greatest class from Pike High. For more information, visit our class reunion website at

Randy Moser '69

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Come on, Class of '69. Sign up now for our 40th Reunion by calling Patti Medvescek or contacting me at or by calling me at 321-253-2225. Plans are for us to meet at gatsby's Bar (we have it reserved) on Saturday, August 1st (4:00 pm - 9:00 pm). This may be our last chance for a reunion and a chance to get together with old friends. No explanations, no excuses. Call today or tomorrow.
Randy and Bev Moser
I thought our generation was the rebel generation and we were going to change the world. If we can't do that, at least we can get together for some fun and reminiscing about the good times we've had through the years. I for one, will be flying in from our home in Melbourne, FL for the party, JUST TO SEE YOU. And Bev and I will be mad if you don't all show up (this is the highlight of our summer). So go to, call Patti (Flanigan) Medvescek, or me (321-253-2225) to RSVP and confirm your attendance. Patti has it all organized. All we want to do is see you again, party, maybe have a drink or two, and remember the good old Pike days (or the greater ones you've had since then). But we can't have the party without your commitment. Gary Wright, Greg Shugart and other officers, you need to step up and take some ownership here. This was YOUR class and if you attend, others will follow suit. What say you?
Randy Moser