Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mrs. Morgan's 4th Grade Class at Central Elementary, 1960

How many of these little Pikers can you identify from this photo from 1960? Please click the comment or time hyperlinks to help us identify any of these students. PLEASE POST A COMMENT, even if you only identify yourself in this photo, which is courtesy of Myra (McCammon) Leap.


  1. How many of these little Pikers can you identify from this photo from 1960? Please click the comment or time hyperlinks to help us identify any of these students. PLEASE POST A COMMENT, even if you only identify yourself in this photo, which is coutesy of Myra (McCammon) Leap.

  2. This info is from Ruth Ann Parish, who we believe is pictured in back row, far right side. Mary Elizabeth Abreu is at the far right (front row); to her right is Jeff Overdorf (dark shirt), and over Jeff's right shoulder is Jackie Haworth. Bruce (Hoop?) on back row, fourth from left.

  3. Others could be Sandi Enmeier (back row, fifth from left); Gary Taylor (back row, seventh from left); and Roy Lee Smith (front row, third from left). Correct me if I have misidentified anybody. Post your comment.
