Wednesday, July 8, 2009

3 More Teachers Confirm

As the date appoaches for the Pike Reunion 2009, 3 more Pike teachers have confirmed their plans to join us. Mr. Don Orr taught Biology and coached tennis; Mr. Norm Starkey served as varsity basketball coach at Pike; and Mrs. Mary Ann Aldous (Wright) taught English and Drama. You can see all three of your former faculty members at 7:00 pm on August 1st at Gatsby's.

1 comment:

  1. Does everybody remember Miss Aldous from our 8th grade year in the old high school? She had the "hidden" room that was a half flight up and located above the cafeteria. She taught 8th-9th grade English, Spech and Drama. She also directed "Brigadoon" our freshman year in the new building, along with Mrs. Bowman, who directed the musical portions of the show.
