Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Way We Were

Mrs. Schneider's 7th Grade Class
How many of your classmates can you identify in this 1963 class photo? Wow! Did we really look like that? Classmates are identified below in my "Comments."


  1. ANSWERS: (Top row) Scott Sommer, Susie Roetter, Buddy Brainard, Amanda Ehrenford, Randy Moser, Myra McCammon. (2nd row) Toni Good, David Lewis, Mary Ann Mertz, Steve Nelson, Karen Browning, Jeff Overdorf. (3rd Row) Gary Wright, Debbie Streets, Robert VanArsdall, Sarah Shaw. (4th row) Lana Meyers, Bruce Palmer, Connie Daupert, Mark Mertz. (5th row) David Knowles, Bev Caesar, Marvin Eggleston, Norma Buckwalter, Bob Shank, Cindy Diller. (6th row) Cindy Glidewell, John Bridgwater, Mrs. Schneider.

  2. Myra said...
    Digital photography certainly has changed the way we can remember ourselves. Those shut-eye shots are pretty funny.
