Thursday, July 23, 2009


Bev Caesar, as Marian the Librarian, lays a big kiss on a fast-talking but surprised salesman (Steve Hise) in "The Music Man." Ginger Soper (below), as mayor Shinn's wife, leads the people of River City in a traditional July 4th celebration in "The Music Man."

Kathy Smith had the role of a lifetime when she portrayed the innimitable Anne Frank in the fall drama, "The Diary of Anne Frank."

Phil Snyder had a lead role in Edgar Lee Master's "Spoon River Anthology," the winter play during 1968-69.

Jerri Thomas had the lead role of Nellie Forbush in "South Pacific" during our junior year 1968. Officers Randy Moser and Phil Snyder listen to Nellie's problems.

The cast from "The Teahouse of the August Moon," performed during Fall 1967, included Class of '69 members (from left) Mark Norris, Kathy Smith, Ben Lagadon and Randy Moser.


Ginger Soper (above right) tries to explain how it feels to be so "plain" during "110 in the Shade," the Spring musical during our sophomore year.

Mark Pengilly had leading roles in both "Harvey" (Elwood P. Dowd) and "Teahouse of the August Moon" (Sgt. Gregovich).

For three years, we were always led by the irrepressible Mr. Lee Horn

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful memories all these pictures resurrect...friends, places, times of our lives. Thank you, Randy, for digging up these visuals.
